Saturday, January 23, 2016

Free Write: Cabin Fever Thoughts (1/23/16)

We've all had these moments...

Sending that late night text message that you almost instantaneously regret pressing send.

Suppressing your feelings and emotions for the sake of not coming across as too "emotional", too "weak", too "clingy", and a bunch of other adjectives equating/amounting to a sign of inferiority or vulnerability.

Feeling so lonesome and single on a weekend night, when all you want to do is just spend some quality time with a special someone cuddling, cooking, listening to music, dancing, and watching movies.

When the realization that bae does not exist, as per previous scenario, you decide to put on your bartender hat and make yourself an alcoholic concoction or indulge is the grocery store's finest selection of cheap wine, hard cider, chocolate, chips, and dip... oh and Talenti!

Hearing your neighbors... #facepalm #everytime #selfexplanatory

Being that neighbor who blasts loud (whimsical, annoying, corny) music to block out the neighbors you're hearing.  I'm that neighbor.  And I wish somebody would try to file a noise complaint... Try me.

Feeling trapped because your cars snowed in, the roads aren't tip top clear, there's a [HUGE] chance you'll end up in a ditch because a) the roads are slick, icy, and not paved, or b) you're a Virginia driver who can't drive worth s*** in the snow, rain, dry & sunny day, or c) both a and c.  (I'm obviously not talking about myself, just to clarify a few things.)

When Pandora, Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes Radio, or any other similar music genome platform is subtly speaking to your life and you can't help but sing along, bust out into interpretive dance, grab the tissues, twerk it out, and give the performance of a lifetime (on the scale of 1 to Beyoncé) in your apartment all by yourself.

That's all I've got for now at least.

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