Monday, June 24, 2013


A UFC commercial just came on before I started watching a YouTube video and I had a flashback to the nights when my maternal grandma and I used to watch wrestling matches before bed summer nights.  I'm talking about real wrestling matches, not this fake, WWE, stuff out here (no offense to all the WWE fans). She loved wrestling!

I miss my grandma Rosa.  She was the toughest and strongest woman you could ever meet, and I learned so much about being a woman, taking care of your home, life, and being a faithful and servant woman of God from just being in her presence.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pittsburgh: Buffalo Blues All-U-Can Eat Wings

Last night, a couple of floor mates and I decided to explore a notorious venue suggested by a Pittsburgh native (who also lives on my floor).  The place is called Buffalo Blues, located in East Liberty/Shadyside, Pittsburgh, and on Wednesday nights they have an All-U-Can Eat Wings special from 5-10pm for  $12.  That sounds like a good deal and it was so worth it.