Monday, January 16, 2012

Bantu Knots: DC Adventure

For my DC Adventure this Saturday of MLK Weekend, I decided to rock a bantu knot hairstyle.  What I really like about bantu knots is that they are very quick and easy to do. In my case, I washed my hair, provided the necessary moisturization, and was set to start curling. And, I did not have to apply any type of heat whatsoever. The aftermath was definitely to my liking, as you can see in the photos below. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Are You Really Living?

Live (verb)
to have life, as an organism; be alive; be capable of vital functions; to continue to have life; remain alive; to continue in existence, operation, memory, etc.; to last; to maintain or support one's existence; provide for oneself; to feed or subsist (usually followed by on or upon ); to enjoy life to the fullest

Live (adjective)
living; full of life, energy or activity

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As I sit here in my living room on my laptop and watch an assortment of television programs, I make exchanges between my computer screen and my mother, who is relaxing on the couch along with me. My mind begins to wander about the idea of life. We, as individuals, are all placed on this earth for a specific purpose; what it is exactly is what we have to find out. This is something that I've mentioned numerous times for it holds true.

I began to ask myself, "What is the difference between the state of me and my mom?" *Note: I am only using my mom as an example because she is somewhat the inspiration for this post.* The major difference is that I am actively working towards something for the betterment of myself (college degree, grad school, work experience). Now, I understand that this difference does not take into consideration what my mom's goals may be or what she's actively working towards, but from my perspective it just seems like it is all routine to make ends meet. Wake up. Shower and get dressed. Go to work, school, or whatever may occupy your time. Come home. Eat dinner. Watch TV or use the Internet. Go to sleep. Wake up and repeat.

It all becomes second nature to the point that you begin to forget about your passions, the things that drive you to tackle the next big thing, the next big project, the next big dream, and the next big goal. Living should be about actively working towards a better tomorrow and living your life to the fullest. With each day, routine or not, I feel that we all should get at least one step closer to what makes us happy.

Check this out:

“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.” 
-Horace, Ode I-XI "Carpe Diem"

In whatever you do, always remember to seize the day and live your life to the fullest, no matter what your circumstances may be. Cherish each moment, love, laugh, and live fruitfully.

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Before I close out this post, I pose this last question to you: Are you really living?