Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Typical "End of the Year" Reflective Blog Post

<Insert disclaimer about how it's been a while since the last time I've posted or how school has been very difficult or how I would like to post more often in the new year... all of this is true, but when life has the reigns, I get pulled in so many other directions.  But any who, let the post commence>

2015 has been a very eyeopening year for me. A very challenging one I must say.  Not because of the people that I've encountered/interacted with, but because of the extended period of transition(ing) into full adulthood and the experiences that come along with it.  School has been tough and this year I had to make one of the most difficult decisions ever for myself, but at the end of the day I'm much happier because of it.  Instead of focusing on the negatives of this year, I'd rather highlight the positives and how much I've been blessed as inspiration to keep going harder and staying motivated in 2016.  There have been many positive things that have come out of this year.

Let's begin...

At the beginning of 2015,