Tuesday, June 28, 2011

6.25.11 Paris: Day 3 - The Louvre Museum and Food Babies

Inside the Louvre Museum; time to purchase tickets!

My English tour guide
The Louvre museum took all day and I didn't even get to explore the whole museum or all the exhibits that I wanted to. I really like the Greek sculptures and the paintings during the romanticism era. I like to draw sometimes when I am inspired. I took many photographs of details of facial features and body proportions. I hope to apply them to my sketches. These artists are so talented.

I took so many short breaks while exploring the museum.  The museum is so FRICKIN huge.  It's like a massive mansion.  Lunch at the Louvre was great and of course I punished it.  I had steamed salmon with a side of rice and Orangina (which taste really good, unlike the Orange Fanta here).  All of that for €10.70.  That's pretty reasonable for a meal and a drink in a very famous museum.  I was very satisfied after eating it.

There was one particular painting that I looked at for a good 5 minutes (that's quite a long time compared to how fast I was moving around the museum).  The painting is called "Les Licteurs Rapportent a Brutus Les Corps de Ses Fils" by Jacques-Louis David.  Translation title is "The lictors bring Brutus the bodies of his dead sons."  Something about it struck out to me. I could see the emotion in the face of each character in the painting.  The emotions that I felt while looking at the picture reminded me of my brother, who passed away last year.  I just thought about how much it hurt to lose him or to even see him at his funeral.  Imagine what my family was also going through.  I definitely could relate to this painting.

The Mona Lisa painting is smaller than I thought it would be.  People were pushing and shoving to get a good shot.  I don't think the painting is going anywhere people (lol).  I am very grateful of the man who decided to take a picture of me in front of the painting.  God bless his life.

The Mona Lisa Crowd

At the end of the day, I took plenty of pictures in front of the pyramid.  

Then we headed out to the streets of Paris, off to Notre Dame which was open to the public. We walked across the Pont Des Arts Bridge also known as the Love Locks Bridge.  It symbolizes the everlasting love of two people for each other.  Usually, couples place the lock on the bridge and throw the key in the water.  This is the most romantic bridge in Paris (so cute).  There were some pretty decked out locks.  I kind of wish I had one to throw in for my future love (lol).
We had this lasagna in St. Michel and more pink wine (i had 1.5 glasses).  This lasagna was so good.  See for yourself. I gave birth to a food baby afterwards.  I wasn't even in need of a dessert afterwards.  My last night in Paris couldn't have been any better.  I'm definitely grateful of the experiences I've had while I was here.  I did many touristy things, ate great food, and just soaked it all in.  I'm going to miss Pahhh-reeeee! <3

My food baby (for food baby reference check out http://brain-food.tumblr.com)
The Crepe Man!!! He made the best crepe especially for me!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Scott! First I would like to thank your for taking the time to read through my blog post and second I would like to apologize for taking such a long to respond to your comment. To answer your question, I agree that art is a very important aspect of my life. In fact, the arts are very important for providing balance in society. Without creative thinking and having something that provokes thoughts other than the now, capitalism, and politics, civilization may just cease to exist as a functional unit. In everything that I do, I always feel inclined towards thinking in unconventional ways, unlike everyone around me, and taking on different perspectives for situation. It helps with being able to accept diversity, varying cultural backgrounds, and creating a middle-ground for everyone to connect with each other on many levels. So like in the picture you pointed out, art is essential for living life. In some way, shape, and form, we all have encountered art; whether it be in the design of the new iPhone 5 technology that we are so connected to on a daily basis, or the design of the homes in which we live. Art is everywhere and it cannot be suppressed.


What are your thoughts?