Saturday, October 19, 2013

Changes In Due Season

I have decided to revamp my site to reflect some of the changes in my life, my perspective, and my overall growth.  I'm going with the 'less is more' theme.  There are too many things in my life that serve as a distraction to what I am really here for.  Now is the time that I changes my environment and my habits so that I do not lose focus on the end goal.

There is a purpose for everything that happens in life.  Now that I am a graduate student still transitioning into full adulthood, all of the things that I used to focus on in the past no longer concern me as much as they do now.  My priorities have changed and now that I have seen a little bit more of the world, I have started to hone in on the things in my life, besides the academic grind in the field of engineering and graduate school, the drive me to keep pressing forward.  These things include my faith in God, my family and friends, photography of people and nature, and self-expression through fashion, art, and dance.  My potential to do great things and make a difference, a large positive impact on someone, is what continues to add fuel to the fire.

This point that I am at in my journey is by no means an easy one.  The struggle of graduate school is real yal!  I ask myself everyday what did I get myself into.    I had some idea coming into graduate life of what to expect, but think I missed out on a quite a few crucial expectations in your first year and beyond, but it's okay.  In my perplexity, I turn to God for answers, share my thoughts with family, and empathize with friends.  I may not know or understand my calling, but I know that discovery is a never-ending process, and in time I will know the answers.

Until then, stay tuned for more photography and updates, pray for my well-being (mentally, physically, and emotionally), and spread peace, love, and happiness.

- Maleshia J.

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