Friday, May 17, 2013

Bowie State University 2013 Commencement: Michelle Obama's Inspirational Speech

Today, I had the pleasure of watching my best friend of over 10 years walk across the stage to receive her Bachelors of Science in Theater Arts.  Let me first start by saying that I am so proud of my homegirl, my sister, and the luminous crystal that she has grown to be.  I know God has many great things in store for her in the future.  We're both going to be doing big things.

To add to the grand celebration, Bowie State's commencement speaker was none other than the First Lady of the United States of America, now Dr. Michelle Obama!
When I found out she was going to be speaking at commencement, that was like the cherry on top, the icing on the cake, the sugar to my tea, the... I could go on for days.  Her speech was such a beautiful one.  It was the realest, yet most eloquent history lesson that I could have ever listened to.  On a grand scheme, it was more than just a speech.  It was a charge to us graduates, the leaders of the next generation, to instill that same spirit of hunger for education that our ancestors fought for way back in the day and not lose sight of our callings.

In a world that yearns for instant gratification, it is very easy and almost second nature to be more consumed with social media, celebrity gossip, or irrelevant things that shouldn't be consuming our lives.  It's time for us to take ownership and advantage of what we rightfully deserve - a quality education.  We as a nation are very privileged people when it comes to receiving a public education compared to other places around the world that don't have access to quality education and resources.  It is up to us to change the way the education system is for the better.  The time has come for us slackers to get off our butts, voice our opinions, and make things happen to make the experience more fruitful and valuable for the generation behind us.

Just some food for thought on a Friday night.  Have a great weekend.

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